Another Day Is Coming

All the divisions of a person's life are repeated each day.
To rise up in the morning is like being born again. And, the early hours of the day resemble the years of one's youth. Assuming that we slept well the night before, our minds are clear. New ideas and new hope stir in our hearts.
However, the morning hours pass rapidly. The sun rises in the heavens. We stop for lunch and suddenly realize that the day is half over. "Where did the time go?" we ask. "And what did I accomplish?" More often than not, our deeds will have fallen far short of the hopes we had entertained for the morning's work.
Our attitude is somewhat different as we face the work of the afternoon. We might say that it is more 'mature,' more 'adult' than it was in the morning. We know what we have to accomplish and that the remaining hours are very limited. Though we may lack the youthful freshness of the morning hours, we have a stringer spirit of determination.
As the hours pass, we feel the tension mounting. We speed our efforts to finish the task which we have set for the day.
At the same time, we gradually grow tired. We look out the window and see shadows lengthening. Then the sun passes beyond the horizon. The heavens grow dark and the street lamps are turned on. It is quite a different world we faced in the morning. We felt young in the morning, but feel old at night.
Each evening, we have a taste of old age toward which we are all marching. It is a time of rest and reflection. It is also a time to revive hope. Another day is coming. We will again be young and fresh and filled with life when we face the new dawn.
