The Talents People Have

An 18-year-old boy in Hokkaido recently wrote the following letter to a newspaper.
"I am one of the many students who failed this year's university entrance exam. I am now studying hard at a college prep school. The public in general looks down upon students such as us as a miserable lot and failures who cannot look anyone in the face for shame.
"But this is not true. I have made many friends at the prep school dormitory where I am staying. Most of us are happy, studious and hopeful with an ambitious eye on the future."
It is refreshing to read sentiments such as this. Though this young man's entrance into college may be delayed, it is certain that he will not be a failure in life. There is every possibility that his accomplishments exceed those of students who passed their first exam with flying colors.
Two hundred years ago, a husband and wife in Italy were on the verge of despair at the failure of their son to learn to talk. At the age of four, he had not yet spoken a word. His parents felt certain that his mind was retarded. Yet, in his own good time, the boy manifested the powers of his intellect and made far reaching contributions to the world of science. He was Alessandro Volta. His name was to be incorporated in all the major languages of the world to signify a unit of electricity.
The power of accomplishment which men possess differs from individual to individual. It is a mistake to think that the powers of all men must develop at the same speed or in the same way.
