Two Frogs in a Bucket

One day two frogs challenged each other to see which one could jump the farthest. They jumped the same distance, and both landed in the middle of a bucket, half-filled with milk. The two frogs stirred up the milk with their feet, but they were unable to climb out of the bucket. If they didn't swim, they would sink in the milk and die.
The first frog tried swimming for a little while, and was soon exhausted. "There is no way out of this bucket, and no reason to continue trying, " he complained, so he quit swimming and drowned in the milk.
Although the second frog didn't know how to climb out the bucket, he decided, "I will try to the end." He continued swiming around and around until a lump of butter appeared in the middle of the milk. So, the second frog used the butter as a launching pad out of the bucket, saving his life.
This is a simple story with an important lesson.
Whenever we face a difficult problem and give up, like the first frog, the problem is not solved. However, if like the second frog, we persist in trying, there is a possibility that a path may open up,offering a solution to the problem which may have never occured to us.
This is an example from eveyday life, but the same can be said about a life of faith. When talking about faith, Jesus promised, "He who perseveres until the end will be saved." (Matt 10:22)
Efforts to endure to the end without quitting are always a sign of life.
