Nobody's Perfect

I was in an office in Tokyo. The man sitting in front of me was one of the most outstanding citizens of Japan. He is neither a politician nor an industrialist. But his influence in Japan over a period of many decades has been great. He is known for his ability to bring people together.
I asked him what might be done for the betterment of society. His simple answer was "get rid of people like me." We all laughed. However, I thought to myself, "If we drive away people like him, who will be the leaders of the people?"
Yet in his humility, this man seemed to be serious. He was very much aware of his own faults and seemed to think that society was suffering because of these faults. Similar sentiments have been expressed to me by many other people. Only a good person would have the humility to make such a statement. Yet, they were all good people, who were trying to do something good for the world, despite their faults.
To put it in other words, any good which is actually done in this world must be done by imperfect human beings. There are no perfect human beings. It is encouraging, however, to realize that so much good can be done by people with faults.
To correct our faults is a task we must work at every day of our lives. But we cannot wait until we become perfect to start working for society.
To work simultaneously for our own perfection and for the improvement of society is our mission in life.
