A Doctor' Work

"A good doctor should not only be able to cure diseases, but also be able to help prepare for death."
The speaker was himself a doctor speaking to a group of confreres concerning deficiencies of the medical profession.
"The purpose of our work," he told fellow doctors, "is to prevent illness and preserve life. It is expected that we concentrate our efforts on these objectives. However, we must careful of giving patients a wrong attitude toward death. "
"In spite of our efforts, our patients will someday face death. It would be very unfortunate if, in our efforts to preserve life, we gave our patients the impression that death is something ugly, or if we instilled in them an excessive fear of death. "
"To my mind, a doctor has a twofold function to perform. To the best of his ability, he must help his patients live healthy, happy lives. Yet, when a patient approaches the end of life, a doctor should be able to console them. He should endeavor to instill in these people hope for greater happiness in the future life. It is an expectation of the great adventure when they breathe their last."
According to what this doctor has said, death is the greatest adventure a person could ever experience. Wrapped in mystery, it promises a fulfilling trip. It is the promise of a wonderful life far better than we could ever experience.
When the time comes for us to leave this earth, we should not be afraid. Hope rather than fear should mark our departure on our final voyage from this life into the next.

「病気を防ぎ生命を保つのが、私たちの仕事の目的です」と彼は仲間の医者に話した。「この目的を達成するために、努力を傾けるのは当然です。 しかしそうすることによって患者に、 死に対する間違った態度を教えていることに注意せねばなりません」