Believing in Prayer

About fifty years ago, Paul Coates, a popular writer of the Los Angeles Times, suffered a stroke. For several days his life was in danger. Then he began to recover.
After returning home from the hospital, he delighted in surprising his wife with the various things he could do. Then, one day, it dawned on him that though his powers of physical movement were improving, his faculties of communication were not. He could barely talk and he could not write at all. Nothing could be more frustrating for a writer than a disability such as this. It became obvious that Coates would have to go back to the hospital for special treatment. He did so with a heavy heart.
Then a remarkable thing happened. Coates was sitting in the recreation room of the hospital, feeling sorry for himself. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the smiling face of a middle-aged lady, "Don't worry, Mister," she said, "I'm praying for you." As the lady turned and walked away, Coates noticed that she had to drag her right foot and that her right hand hung limply at her side. She too was a stroke victim.
Paul Coates is a man of faith, and he believed that this woman's prayers had power. He also appreciated her kindness in walking over on her bad leg to cheer him up. From that point on, he noticed something which had escaped his attention before. It was the spirit of his fellow patients. They seemed more concerned about each other's suffering than about their own. In spite of all the suffering which was borne in the hospital, the atmosphere was filled with cheerfulness and vitality.
Coates joined in with the spirit of the other patients and found himself once again on the road to recovery. He was back at his own job, writing newspaper stories.
